

  • Fuser Unit bakeng sa HP Color Laserjet Cm3530 Cp3525n CE484A RM14955000 RM1-4955-000 OEM

    Fuser Unit bakeng sa HP Color Laserjet Cm3530 Cp3525n CE484A RM14955000 RM1-4955-000 OEM

    TheFuser Unit bakeng sa HP Color Laserjet CM3530 CP3525N(Linomoro tsa Karolo CE484A, RM14955000, RM1-4955-000) ke karolo ea boleng bo holimo ea OEM e etselitsoeng ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e nepahetseng bakeng sa printa ea hau ea HP. Fuser unit e bapala karolo ea bohlokoa khatisong ka ho sebelisa mocheso le khatello ho tlama toner pampiring, e hlahisang likhatiso tse hlakileng, tsa boleng bo holimo. Ha nako e ntse e ea, li-fuser unit li ka 'na tsa senyeha kapa tsa senyeha, e leng se ka lebisang mefokolong ea khatiso e kang ho senya, ho streaking kapa ho sa fella.

  • Finisher Roller bakeng sa Ricoh SR 3020 3030 3110 4000 4010 4020 4030 4040 4050 4060 4110 5000 5040 B8303503

    Finisher Roller bakeng sa Ricoh SR 3020 3030 3110 4000 4010 4020 4030 4040 4050 4060 4110 5000 5040 B8303503

    TheRoller ea ho qetelabakeng saRicoh SR 3020, 3030, 3110, 4000, 4010, 4020, 4030, 4040, 4050, 4060, 4110, 5000, le 5040(Palo ea Nomoro B8303503) ke karolo ea bohlokoa ho yuniti ea hau ea ho qetela e netefatsang tlhahiso e ntle le e boreleli ea litokomane. Rola ena e thusa ho tataisa le ho sebetsana le maqephe nakong ea mekhahlelo ea ho qetela ea khatiso, e bapala karolo ea bohlokoa mesebetsing e kang ho bokella, ho kopanya le ho hlophisa, ho netefatsa hore litokomane tse felileng li hlophisitsoe hantle le ho hlophisoa ka makhethe.

  • Drum Cleaning Blade bakeng sa Ricoh SPC840DN 842DN

    Drum Cleaning Blade bakeng sa Ricoh SPC840DN 842DN

    TheLehare la ho Hloekisa Meropabakeng saRicoh SPC840DN le SPC842DNbahatisi ke karolo ea bohlokoa e etselitsoeng ho boloka bohloeki ba yuniti ea meropa. Lehare lena la ho hloekisa le tiisa hore toner le litšila tse feteletseng li tlosoa ka mokhoa o nepahetseng ho tloha moqomong ka mor'a potoloho e 'ngoe le e' ngoe ea khatiso, ho thibela ho haha ​​​​toner le ho netefatsa boleng ba khatiso bo boreleli, bo tsitsitseng.

  • Drum Cleaning Blade for Ricoh MP501 MP601 MP501SPF MP601SPF MP 501 MP 601 MP 501SPF MP 601SPF

    Drum Cleaning Blade for Ricoh MP501 MP601 MP501SPF MP601SPF MP 501 MP 601 MP 501SPF MP 601SPF

    Drum Cleaning Blade bakeng sa Ricoh MP501, MP601, MP501SPF, le MP601SPF ke karolo ea bohlokoa e etselitsoeng ho boloka bohloeki le katleho ea yuniti ea meropa ea mohatisi oa hau. Lehare lena le bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho tloseng toner e feteletseng le lithōle holim'a moqomo ka mor'a potoloho e 'ngoe le e' ngoe ea khatiso, ho netefatsa litšoantšo tsa boleng bo phahameng le ho lelefatsa bophelo ba moropa.

  • Copier DC Cleaning Motor bakeng sa Ricoh Aficio Mp 6002 6002sp 7502 7502sp 9002 9002sp

    Copier DC Cleaning Motor bakeng sa Ricoh Aficio Mp 6002 6002sp 7502 7502sp 9002 9002sp

    TheDC Hloekisa Motorbakeng saRicoh Aficio MP 6002, 6002SP, 7502, 7502SP, 9002, le likopi tsa 9002SPke karolo ea bohlokoa e netefatsang ts'ebetso e bonolo le e sebetsang ea mochini oa hau oa ho hloekisa. Enjene ena e etselitsoe ho ts'ehetsa yuniti ea ho hloekisa ea mokopi, e bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho boloka bohloeki ba likarolo tsa kahare joalo ka moqomo le lebanta la phetisetso, tse bohlokoa bakeng sa ho hlahisa likhatiso tsa boleng bo holimo.

  • Pickup Roller Assembly Tray 2 bakeng sa HP Laserjet PRO M402dn M402dw M402n M403D M403dn M403dw M403n Mfp M426dw M426fdn M426fdw RM2-5452-000

    Pickup Roller Assembly Tray 2 bakeng sa HP Laserjet PRO M402dn M402dw M402n M403D M403dn M403dw M403n Mfp M426dw M426fdn M426fdw RM2-5452-000

    Honhai Technology Company e motlotlo ho hlahisa Cassette Pickup Roller (Tray 2) e etselitsoeng letoto la HP RM2-5452 HP LaserJet Pro M402, M403, M404, Pro MFP M426, le Pro MFP M427. Pickup roller ena ea boleng bo holimo ke karolo ea bohlokoa bakeng sa ho netefatsa phepelo ea pampiri e boreleli ebile e ts'epahala ho printa ea hau ea HP.

  • OPC Drum for HP LaserJet 4200 4250 4300 4345 4350 Q5942A Q1339A Q1338A

    OPC Drum for HP LaserJet 4200 4250 4300 4345 4350 Q5942A Q1339A Q1338A

    OPC Drum bakeng sa HP LaserJet 4200, 4250, 4300, 4345, le 4350 (e tsamaisana le Q5942A, Q1339A, le Q1338A) ke karolo ea bohlokoa ea ho boloka tšebetso e nepahetseng ea printa ea hau.

  • Lower Pressure Roller bakeng sa HP LaserJet P3015 Pro MFP M521dn Enterprise 500 MFP M525dn LPR-P3015

    Lower Pressure Roller bakeng sa HP LaserJet P3015 Pro MFP M521dn Enterprise 500 MFP M525dn LPR-P3015

    The Lower Pressure Roller bakeng sa HP LaserJet P3015, Pro MFP M521dn, le Enterprise 500 MFP M525dn (LPR-P3015) e bohlokoa bakeng sa ho boloka ts'ebetso ea printa ea hau le boleng ba tlhahiso.

  • Drum Unit for Xerox 5570 5575 3370 3300 3305 7425 7435 7428 2250 2255 013R00647

    Drum Unit for Xerox 5570 5575 3370 3300 3305 7425 7435 7428 2250 2255 013R00647

    Ho hlahisa theXerox 013R00647Drum Unit, e tsamaellanang le mefuta ea khatiso ea Xerox5570, 5575, 3370, 3300, 3305, 7425, 7435, 7428, 2250, le 2255. Honhai Technology Ltd. e hlahisa yuniti ena ea meropa ea boleng bo holimo bakeng sa litlhoko tsa indasteri ea khatiso ea liofisi. Tšepa yuniti ea rona ea meropa e tšoarellang ea maemo a holimo bakeng sa liphetho tse tsitsitseng, tse tšepahalang tsa khatiso. Ka kopanyo e se nang moeli le ts'ebetso e tšoarellang nako e telele, sehlahisoa sena se tiisa boleng bo nepahetseng ba khatiso.

  • Matla a Moetsi oa Xerox WorkCentre WC 7855 7970 7845 7835 7830 CYMK

    Matla a Moetsi oa Xerox WorkCentre WC 7855 7970 7845 7835 7830 CYMK

    Re hlahisa Xerox Developer Power, sehlahisoa sa boleng bo holimo se entsoeng ka boqhetseke bakeng sa ho tsamaisana le seamless.Xerox WorkCentre 7855, 7970, 7845, 7835, le 7830bahatisi. E ntlafalitsoe ke Honhai Technology Ltd., matla ana a nts'etsopele a fana ka ts'ebetso e ikhethang sebakeng sa khatiso ea ofisi. Ka boima bo nepahetseng ba250gle fumaneha kacyan, mosehla, magenta,lentshomefuta e fapaneng, sehlahisoa sena se netefatsa liphetho tse tšepahalang le tse tsitsitseng.

  • Carriage PCA Board bakeng sa HP DesignJet 500 510 800 820 815 PS Plotter C7769-60332 Carriage Board

    Carriage PCA Board bakeng sa HP DesignJet 500 510 800 820 815 PS Plotter C7769-60332 Carriage Board

    Ho hlahisa theHP C7769-60332Carriage Board, karolo ea bohlokoa e tsamaellanang leHP DesignJet 500, 510, 800, 820, le 815Bahatisi. Honhai Technology Ltd. e hlahisa boto ena e entsoeng ka nepo, e etselitsoeng ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso le ts'ebetso ea thepa ea hau ea khatiso ea ofisi. E entsoe bakeng sa ho kopanya ntle le moroallo, Boto ena ea Carriage e nolofatsa ts'ebetso ea khatiso e bonolo le e sebetsang, e netefatsa litšitiso tse nyane le ho eketsa tlhahiso. Tšepa ho ts'epahala le boleng ba karolo ena ea bohlokoa ho ts'ehetsa maemo a litokomane tsa ofisi ea hau.

  • Wiper blade bakeng sa HP LaserJet Enterprise 81A CF281A MFP M604 M605 M606 M630 M604dn M605n M605x M606dn M630f Printer

    Wiper blade bakeng sa HP LaserJet Enterprise 81A CF281A MFP M604 M605 M606 M630 M604dn M605n M605x M606dn M630f Printer

    Ho hlahisa theHP 81AWiper Blade, karolo ea bohlokoa e etselitsoengHP MFP M604, M605, M606, M630, M604dn, M605n, M605x, M606dn, le M630fbahatisi. The wiper blade, e lumellana leCF281A,e bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho bolokeng boleng ba khatiso ba litokomane tsa ofisi ea hau. E entsoe ke Honhai Technology Ltd., lehare lena la boleng bo holimo la wiper le netefatsa ts'ebetso e sebetsang hantle le e bonolo, le fokotsa kotsi ea liphoso tsa khatiso le ho netefatsa liphetho tse tsitsitseng, tsa botsebi.